Monthly Archives: June 2022

Friday 6/24/2022

Strength / Skill
Back Squat
5-3 1-1-1

5 CTB pullups
10 Push Ups
5 OHS 115/85 rx+ 155/105
10 wall ball

Tuesday 6/21/22

Strength / Skill
EMOM - 8
1 Snatch Pull from floor + 1 Hang Power Snatch
put down, reset Power Snatch
increase load

250/200 Row
6 Power Snatches 105/75, rx+125/95, rx+155/105
12 weighted sit-ups 45/25, rx++ ghd

Monday 6/20/2022

Strength / Skill
From Rig:
Front Squat 3x3

From Station:

3sets of 3postion clean progression
barbell, add load 2x

EMOM - 8

odd: 1 hang pull + 1 hang clean + 1 front squat + 1 hang squat clean
Even: t2b prep on rig

6 RFT:
3 Hang Squat Clean 135/95 rx+ 175/115
6 t2b
alt Bike/Row 8/6, 10/8

Friday 6/17/2022

Strength / Skill

1 giant set of Power Cleans -1 from high hang pull then clean + 1 from knee pull then clean + 1 from floor pull and clean
3 sets - empty bar, 75/55, 95/65

6 min emom
ODD: 2 C&J
EVEN: t2b prep

12 min amrap
3 Clean and Jerk 60-70% of 1rm
6 t2b
9/7 bike