2 person teams Split everything evenly YGIG (incl the run)
400m run split
10 wall walks
20 box jumps
40 t2b
60 kb swing
80 btn tricep ext
100 Row
80 btn tricep ext
60 kb swing40 t2b
20 box jumps
10 wall walks
400 m run
Friday 7/30/2021
Strength / Skill
Squat Plan - WEEK 3 of 4:
Your choice
Front or Back or OHS
3 sets of 3 reps at 70/75/80%
Five 3-minute AMRAPs in 19 minutes
AMRAP in 3 minutes
3 Power Clean & Jerk (135/95 lbs)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Then Rest 1 minute
Repeat 5 times
Thursday 7/29/2021
Strength / Skill
A: Squat Plan - WEEK 3 of 4:
Your choice
Front or Back or OHS
3 sets of 3 reps at 70/75/80%
B: 6 e75om
Snatch prep
from a hang position perform a muscle snatch to 2"" rest - 4"" rest 6"" (approx parallel) reset full squat (past parallel)
12 amrap
3 squat snatches 115/85
6 hspu
9 ski erg (row 12)
Squat Snatch 135/105
Hspu deficit 45/25
12 ski erg/ 15 cal row
Wednesday 7/28/2021
Strength / Skill
Bench Press
12 x 50% no more than 1 min rest
10 x 60% no more than 1 min rest
8 x 70% no more than 1 min rest
6 x 80% immediately to 12 Push-ups (no rest)
20 min amrap
2 person teams split
20 Row
20 Push ups
20 Ring Row
20 Ring/Box Dips
20 Pull ups
20 Hang SDHP 75/55
2 Rope Climb