Monthly Archives: December 2018

Monday, December 31, 2018


1231 - 12 movements 31x ea.
For Time
31 Push Press (75/55 lb)
31 Pull-Ups
31 Hang Snatches (75/55 lb)
31 Ball Slams
31 Back Squats (75/55 lb)
31 Wall Balls
31 Thrusters (75/55 lb)
31 Toes-to-Bar
31 OH Barbell Lunges (R+L)
31 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
31 Barbell Push-Ups
31 Burpees

Then, 365 meter Row

Friday 12.28.18

bike 10 calories
10 air squats
jog 1x around
10 squat jumps
jog 1x around
5 burpees
jog 1x around
5x toe touch to arms extend
jog 1x around

grab enpy barbell:

5x jefferson
5x good morning
5x rdl
5x cobra to childpose

Skill Work
6 min emom
5 deadlift (55%-65%)
3 bbjo

100 DUs
100 cal row
100 wb
100 weighted situps
with your wb)
100 DUs

Thursday 12.27.18

2 min bike
2 min row
alt lunges down - open/close gate back
alt side to side down - duck walk back
Wrist Clock Mobility
5 modified Push ups + 5 Push ups + 5 air squat +5 jump squat"

Skill Work
ladder down
push ups
med ball clean

Ladder for time
Bench Press (55%-65%)
Dips (Rings, box)
Hang Snatch (55%-65%)
OHS (same)

Wednesday 12/26/18

2min bike
500/400 row
alt lunges down - high kicks back
duck walk down - broad jumps bacl
2rds - 10 push ups + 20 sit ups

Strength / Skill
Back Squat
a.5x3 50%-80%
b. 3x10 kb rows

2 Rounds each for time
A1 15/12 calorie row
A2 rd1 12 dbl kb thrusters
12 ball slam

A1 15/12 calorie row
A2 rd2 24 single kb swings
24 hrpu

A1 15/12 calorie row
A2 rd3 12 alt dbl kb snatches
12 ball slam