Monthly Archives: May 2019

Weds 5.22

bike 12/10
static stretch:
quad, runner, road kill,
up rights, wrist
dynamic stretch:
alt lunges down - high kicks back
bear crawl down - high knees back

Strength / Skill
partner alternate jump rope

3 - 8 min amraps

a.10 row
b.15 wb
c. rest

a. 5 snatch
b. 9/7 bike
c. rest

a.7 DL
b.7 hspu
c. rest

Tuesday 5/21/19

Warm up
"bike 12/10
static stretch:
quad, runner, road kill,
up rights, wrist
dynamic stretch:
alt lunges down - high kicks back
crab walk down - high knees back

Strength / Skill
"bench press / push up
ladder down
10-1 hrpu
10-1 bench press (start at 50% and slowly add load)

500m row
ladder down
10-1 pull up
10-1 dips
500m row

Thursday 5/16/19

stretch - runners, quad, wrist
25 air squats
alt lunges down - high kneels
alt side lunges down - high knee

Strength / Skill
3x press
3x front squat
3x back squat

warm up - with empty barbell (5x rdl, 5x muscle clean, 5x front squat, 5x press, 5x back squat)
skill - start with approx of s2oh 3rm amd add wirght each rd. weight stays the same for all movements

"Metcon for time

Bear Complex115/85
200m run

Bear Complex 135/105
200m run

Bear Complex 155/125
200m run

Friday 5/10/19

bike 2 min
static stretch: runners, quad, figure four, 10 up rights, wrist
Dynamic Stretching: alt lunges down - high kicks back, alt side to side lunges down - high knee tucks back, bear crawl down - in/out gate back

Strength / Skill
15/15 tabatas
3x bar hang
3x kip
3x k2e
3x t2b

3x hshold
3x strict hspu
3x kip hspu
3x defecit hspu
7 rounds
7 t2b
7 ball slam
7 wall ball
7 Hsdhp