Monthly Archives: March 2019

Thursday 3.28.19

bike 2 min
runner stretch
wrist mobility
high kicks down
open / close gate back
5 air squat with 2 second hold at bottom
5 push ups with elbows close and back

Just because...
Roxanne then Sally
Dan's fault!

Birthday WOD
Danny Boy
Chipper 63
60 row
60 wb
60 push up
3 rope climb

Wednesday 3.27.19

"bike 2 min
runners stretch
wrist mobility
inch worm down - jog back
bear crawl down - jog back
bear crawl down - jog back
hshold / scap hold
100 DUs/150 singles

Skill Work
4rds 20/10 hspu (strict or kip or hold)
4rds 20/10 kip

Rowing toward 10 min and total calories (split time evenly)
5 Rds 12 DL-9HC-6S2OH 135/95
100 interlocking WB sit-ups 20/14

Tuesday 3.26.19

"2 min bike, row or run
runners stretch
alt lunges down - high kicks back
alt side lunges down - open/close gate back
duck walk down - butt kicks back
wrist stretch
5 push up with elbow close and back
hand stand hold same hand position
5 split jerks body weight

Strength / Skill
5mi emom Pausing Split Jerk 5 sets of 2
50%, 60%, 65% x3
2 second pause in dip and catch
C&J 5min emom increasing load from prior
2 min transition
Front Squat from rack 5 emom building in load

21-15-9 for time
KB swing (no tea cup! bottom of kb to sky) 53/35
Box Jump Overs 24/20
Front Squats 135/95

Thursday 3.21.19

bike 2 min
wrist mobility
10 modified srict push ups
alt lunges down - high kcicks back
ape walk down - open/close gate back

empty bar pre-wod warm-up:
muscle cleans
hang cleans
front squat

Strength / Skill
10 emom
1-3 3 hpc,
4-6 2 hsc
7-10 sc
increase load each rd

5min amrap
10 db snatch 50/35
10 t2b/pull up

1min transition

5 min amrap
10 dl 225/155
10 strict push up

1 min transition

5 min amrap
20 du (50s)
20 sit ups