Monthly Archives: January 2018

Wednesday 1.31.18

bike or row for 3 min

Form lines:

alt lunges down - high kicks back
duck walk down - high kicks back
spider man down - butt kicks back
Mobility movements - Coach led

Prep Work
Practice each movement

Partner Chipper 2 person
100 Cal bike
60 S2OH 135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 85/55/75/45
50 KB 53/35, 44/26, 35/18
40 K2E
20 Front Squat
10 Rope Climb

a1 bikes while a2 completes 1/2 of the movement - then switch. after both athletes reach 100 calories they can both chip away at the remainder of the movements.

Tuesday 1.30.18

bike or row for 3 min

Form lines for:
Down - Bear crawl - Back - jog
Down - Alt lunges down - Back - jog
Down - crab walk - Back - jog
Down - duck walks - Back Jog

Mobility - wrists, shoulders

Skill Work
"3 Rounds
A1: 10ea Bulgarian Spilt Squat
A2: 5x Pull-up negatives
A3: 20 single jump rope"

"12 Min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts
10 Pull Ups
25 jump rope DU, Singles x2

225/155, 185/135, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75"

Monday 1.29.18

bike or row for 3 min
Form lines of 3:
bear crawl down - jog back
alt front lunges down - jog back
alt side lunges down - jog back
Inch worm to half way then, broad jump down - jog back

Skill Work
Cleans review
8 min EMOM
1 Dead Lift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Press
load 55%-65% max clean
optional - add weight slightly

For time:
buy-in: 1000 meter Row
Burpee bar jump over

95/65, 85/55, 75/45, 65/35

Friday 1.26.18

"bike or row for 3min
10 air squats, 5 squat jumps, alt lunges down, side lunges back, 5x cobra-pushup-down dog
coach led wod specific mobility "

Wod Prep
empty bar
3 front squat, 3 push press, 1 burpee bar jump over
add lite weight
2 front squat, 2 push press, 1 burpee bar jump over

"AMRAP 20 minutes of:
20 calories ROW
10 burpees, jumping over the barbell
5 Thrusters
155/95, 135/85, 115/75, 95/65, 85/55, 75/45"