Wednesday 9/8/2021

Strength / Skill
clean grip - Bench Press
% based on last weeks 1rm

12 x 50% no more than 1 min rest
8 x 60% no more than 1 min rest
6 x 70% no more than 1 min rest
8 x 80% no rest and go immediately to
12 close grip pushups
rest no more than 2 minutes then
12 x 70%

5ds each
A1 10 OH weighted tricep extensions 45/25
A2 10 OH Plate hold

4rds each
A1 10 cal alt ski/row
A2 plank

3rds each
A1 10 KB swing
A2 hanging on rig

2rds Each
A1 10 manmakers
A2 wall sit

1 Rd each
A1 10 wall walks
A2 hshold

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