Saturday 10/30/2021

Saturday Partner WOD
Happy Halloween WOD
In the spirit of Mischief night you will need to hold your pumpkin (wb) and NOT let it smash during the entire wod

6 rds of 66 reps
22 sumo DEAD lift high pull (split)
22 pumpkin wall shots (split) use yo
22 killer crunches (split) use your pumpkin

6 rds of 66 reps
22 Body hang Snatch (75/55) (split)
22 Bodybag lunges weighted sandbags (split)
22 Hammer Curls (DB 35/20) (split)

6 rds of 66 reps
22 Skull Crushers (split) BTN 45/25
22 KIller KB swing (split) 53/35
22 Death Row (calories)

Every 6 minutes
6 monster walks each R+L=2

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