On Own:
row 500/400
Coach Led
mobility/dynamic movements
then, pvc / empty barbell work
snatch balance
ohs 3x3 with a 2 3 sec pause
Strength / Skill
Tabata 30/30
rd 1 hang pull + hang snatch + ohs
rd 2 row
rd 3 hang pull + hang snatch + ohs - add weight
rd 4 ski
rd 5 hang pull + hang snatch + ohs
rd 6 row
rd 7 hang pull + hang snatch + ohs - add weight
rd 8 ski
rd 9 hang pull + hang snatch + ohs - add weight
20 min emom
complete each movement within the min and the remainder of the time is your rest until the top of the next minute
5 hang snatch 115/85 rx+ 135/105
12/10 cal row rx + 15/12
5 OH Squat
8/6 ski rx+ 10/8