bike 1 min
runner, butterfly, quad
10 stationary alt lunges, air squat static + side to side lean,
10 air squats + 5 squat jumps
1/3 inch worm+1/3 bear crawl+1/3 crab walk Down - high kicks back
Banded monster walk 20 steps forward and 10 steps back
Skill Work
Coach Led:
Warm up:
Empty Bar -10 muscle clean + 10 front squat + 10 jerk
then, 3x1 Clean and Jerk build to 65% (add load each set)
Clean and Jerk
3x3 - 65%, 75%, 85%*+
* try to get an extra rep or two
10 C&J 135/95
15 Ring Dips
20 KB swings 53/35
RX+ 165/125 - KB 62/44
MRX/SC - 115/75, box dips, 44/26